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Sponsorships now available!

The 2017 Evergreen Conference is accepting Sponsorships.  Requests for information and completed sponsorship forms can be emailed to sponsors@list.evergreen-ils.org.


Champion Level Sponsorships — $5,000

Champion level sponsorships include: 1 free registration, 1 free exhibit booth, full page acknowledgement in the program, logo + link on the web site, acknowledgement in opening and closing remarks, acknowledgement at the event, logo at the event, Twitter and Facebook acknowledgement on the day of the event.

Keynote Speaker
Pre-conference Sessions

Sustainer Level Sponsorships — $3,500

Sustainer level sponsorships include: 1 free registration, half page acknowledgement in the program, logo + link on the web site, acknowledgement in opening and closing remarks, acknowledgment in the conference program, plus any specific perks listed below.

Annual Report: also includes , acknowledgment at the Oversight Board Annual Report and update, your logo and acknowledgment of your generosity on the back page of the printed report.
Badge Holders: also includes logo on the badge holder, acknowledgment on Twitter and Facebook.
Merchandise Table: also includes your logo/name on the merchandise table, your logo on each piece of merchandise sold (on a removable sticker)

Advocate Level Sponsorships — $2,500

Advocate level sponsorships include: 1/4 page acknowledgement in the program, logo + link on the web site, acknowledgement in opening remarks, acknowledgment in the conference program, plus any specific perks listed below.

Luncheon: also includes acknowledgment at the event, logo on signage at the event, acknowledgment on Twitter and Facebook on the day of your event (1 available)
A/V Support: also includes logo on the room schedule signage, acknowledgment on Twitter and Facebook every day of sponsorship. (3 available)
Hackfest: also includes acknowledgment at the event, logo on signage at the event, acknowledgment on Twitter and Facebook on the day of your event (1 available)
Breakfast: also includes acknowledgment at the event, logo on signage at the event, acknowledgment on Twitter and Facebook on the day of your event (3 available)

Ally Level Sponsorships — $1,000

Ally level sponsorships include:  logo + link on the web site, acknowledgement in opening remarks, acknowledgments on Twitter and Facebook on your sponsorship days, plus any specific perks listed below.

Lightning Talks: also includes acknowledgment at the event, logo on signage at the event, acknowledgment in the conference program (0 available)
Snack Breaks: also includes acknowledgment at the event, logo on signage at the event, acknowledgment in the conference program (4 1 available)